The day started with the sun shining bright and a crisp chill in the air. We set up tables and the Braai outside of the International Office where there is lots of foot traffic. The students helped us braai the sausage, bake and sell the cakes, and bargain on prices for the used clothes. They carried large handmade signs advertising "Braai and Bake Sale - Youth Camp Fundraiser" on the street corners. By the end of the busy morning we were celebrating that the cakes were sold out and the sausage was gone! This is the first fundraiser to help support our students for youth camp the end of August. Please pray with us that other fundraisers will be as successful and then the students will also take up the responsibility to raise personal support so that this camp will become a reality.
Personal sporsorship from the partners is appreciated too. Just donate through our Christ's Hope USA office, and specify for August Youth Camp, Namibia Choose to Wait.