Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Family Time

Merry Christmas to all!
We are beyond thrilled to be with family this year.  Here are some photos of our kids and their kids.  From our family to yours..... have a blessed holiday season.  
With our youngest grand - Layla Nicole

G-pa T with Kasya & Cadian (Nathan's 2 youngest )

Erin, Johnny & Emma 

Oldest daughter, Krista with mom

Layla with mama Toni Nicole

Youngest son, James & wife Malia 

Oldest son, Nathan and family - Jordan, Kasya, Megan, Cheryl, Cadian & Abigail

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Everyday Heroes

Today I watched a movie about fire fighters and was moved by the loyalty, unity, compassion, dedication and total commitment to what they are doing. It reminded me of my time in the military and how serving as a Marine we had all the same qualities. As a Marine our motto is "Semper Fideles" which means always faithful and I can tell you we live up to that motto even after our time is up and we become civilians again. Just today I was in Lowes shopping and another Marine who served from 1969-71 saw my USMC sweatshirt and said Semper Fi and I said it back and we chatted for a bit. We had never served together but we shared a bond that only a fellow Marine or service member can understand.

Not long ago we celebrated Veterans Day and we honored those who served our country. I am proud to be a veteran and to have fought for our country. I would gladly do it again because I believe in what our country stands for.

As I write this my heart aches over another group of heroes that get little or no recognition. They fight on the front lines all around the world. They do not get anywhere near enough money for what they do. In fact like the military and fire fighters and any other organization that sacrifices so others can be free and safe, these people do what they do out of a passion to see lives saved. Who are these unacknowledged heroes?

The heroes I am talking about are the missionaries who are serving everywhere around the world to bring the life changing message of Jesus Christ. They work 365 days a year, working long hours and with little help. They give until they cannot give anymore and then with the help of their Commander and Chief (Jesus Christ) they find the strength to press on and go some more.

I have served with some of the finest Marines but I can honestly say that anyone who serves as a Missionary is even more brave than the finest soldier. I say that because a Marine has someone watching his/her back. I say that because the fire fighters have someone watching their back. A missionary rarely has someone watching their back.

I have worked along side some of the bravest people I know and they are missionaries. I have seen and heard stories of what they endure and what they have seen. I have laughed, cried and at times bled with them. I am humbled to have served with them.

My wife and I have served as missionaries for over five years now and our passion is just as strong now, if not stronger, as it was the first day we heard God calling us into full time missions. We have been called to bring the life changing message of Jesus Christ to all those who have not received Him as their Lord and Savior. We will continue the mission until He, our Commander and Chief, releases us  from this duty.

Today we challenge you to ask God how He wants you to serve Him. It is not a question to ask casually because He will answer and He will challenge you. He may even call you to the front lines to serve Him. The question is will you be willing to sacrifice everything and pick up your cross to follow Him? Will you endure the ridicule from strangers, friends and family if you went where ever He asked you to go? Would you be willing to show that you truly trust Him with your actions and not just your words?

Those last three questions may have you shouting yes, they may have you shaking in fear, they may be convicting, and they may even make you angry. I know that for Catherine and I we have said yes to His call and even though it has been hard and challenging at times, we rejoice with the angels over every life that has been saved.

As this year comes to an end and you get ready to celebrate Christmas with your family and loved ones, remember that there are Missionaries serving on the front lines who will not see their family and loved ones this year. Pray for them. Send them a care package and don't whine about how much it cost to send it. Write them a personal letter to let them know they are appreciated and that someone is thinking of them. Thank them for serving on the front lines.

Remember that Jesus Christ came to earth to serve and died on a cross so that you and I would be able to have access to God. His sacrifice came at a cost. We owe our lives to Him and when we think of ourselves and what we feel we deserve we dishonor Him. Let's honor His sacrifice and be the people He created us to be. Let's all of us be His hands and feet and bring the love of Christ to our families, friends, neighbors, coworkers and who ever God brings across our path.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mobile Missionaries

With Cadian #5 Grand and only Grandson

Emma Jayne #6 granddaughter
We are in San Diego, California right now waiting for the birth of our seventh granddaughter. Shaking our heads still not believing that soon we are to be grandparents for the seventh time. How is that possible? We are not old enough!

We are smiling because we know the God we serve is smiling right now too. Here we are,children of God, watching our daughter, a daughter of God, getting ready to give birth to a baby girl whom we believe will become another daughter of God. Along with our father's that will be four generations of Believers in Christ. What better legacy could we possibly leave?

As well as being sons or daughters of God we are also called to be disciples of Christ. Our primary mission as believers is laid out for us in Matthew 28:18-20. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Jesus' final words to His disciples was that they were to go and make disciples of all the nations. Those words are also for each of us who are children of God. We are to go and make disciples. It is not an option but a command that we are given. Surprisingly we are finding that many brothers and sisters in Christ do not know how to disciple someone primarily because they themselves have never been discipled.

We live in a day and age where the enemy is working overtime to make sure that many will never accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Sadly he is being very effective. Many are disillusioned with the church and some for good reasons. There is a wide variety of statistics on the amount of people not going to church, studying the Bible, on fire for God, etc... These studies are alarming and still the enemy is winning.

We refuse to just stand by and let him win. Yes those of us who know God and believe in Him know that the enemy loses in the end but right now he is winning battle after battle. We are taking the Word of God to whomever He brings across our path (friends, family, partners, strangers). We are also working with those who are believers and teaching them how to disciple.

You may not believe it but it does not require being a theologian, being a Bible college graduate, or years and years of studying the Bible to be able to disciple. What it takes is one Spirit filled believer submitting and fully trusting God praying for God to bring him someone to disciple. Then when God brings that person they meet with the person and spend time with them. Jesus trained the twelve over a period of time. Time is the key. When we spend time with someone we show them that we care and they get to know Jesus because a Spirit filled believer will reflect the character of Jesus.

Right now I can hear many people saying that they do not have that kind of time. I shake my head because I used to be that way. When it is important we always find the time. We need to understand the importance ourselves and realize we do not have the luxury of time. Our time on earth is short and soon we will stand before Jesus and have to give an account for what we did and did not do.

I was at a conference and the verse that was the theme of the weekend was Ezekiel 3:17-19. If you are not familiar with it I recommend that you read it. I personally feel that God is speaking that to each one of us and not just to Ezekiel. God is going to hold us accountable and expects us to make disciples.

We have to stop worrying about what people will say or feel if we share the message of Jesus Christ with them. They are not the ones we will stand in front of on the day Jesus returns. Nothing they say or do can take away our salvation but if we say nothing their salvation is what is at stake.

If you want to be a disciple for Christ we are available to talk with you and teach you. We encourage you to fulfill the great commission. In doing so you will experience the Father's joy and find that it is the most rewarding thing we get to do as His children.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Here & There

Teaching and training has extremely humbling moments.  We need to share this little report from our devoted teacher, Sondra.

"I had the Cafe staff make a meaty pizza for our trainees to taste. Johannes, one of our servers, brought the pizza cut into eight pieces along with plates and napkin-wrapped utensils (knife & fork). I had two of the ladies serve the others. After everyone was served, we prayed. I told them 'Some people like to eat pizza with their hands. The only problem is that the first few bites are difficult because the end of the pizza can be floppy. So I use a knife and a fork to start.'

The students unwrapped their utensils and some began to eat. One of the girls bravely stated, 'I have NEVER eaten with a knife and a fork. Would you please show me how?'  I almost cried.  They do use their hands a lot and possibly a spoon, but this young lady and her sister had never used a knife and a  fork before.  Some had used a fork, but were uncertain how to go about cutting the pizza with their knife while holding the fork.

I had a bit of a dilemma because a lot of people in Namibia eat European style.  I am not a good example of that particular way of eating.  So I taught them how to use a knife and fork the American way!  What happy campers they were as they practiced and ate the meaty pizza!  You could see the level of self esteem rise!  I also taught them how to use hot soapy water to wash the utensils -- fork tines, and sharp part of the knife held away from you.  Rinse in hot water -- dry with a clean towel.  Quite a lesson over allowing them to sample one of the menu items.  I will not forget this humbling experience.  What a joy to help them."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Class in Session!

It's back to school time.... and we are happy to announce that another YDM programme has begun.  Eight young ladies have accepted the challenge.  We are praying for each one and their families, as well as the Rosen's and other teacher/trainers participating this session.  We will share testimonials and stories in future blogs so stay tuned in!

The view from the entrance of the Training Center. If you look closely you can see Mt. Rushmore!

We are exciting about the training we are attending for the next three weeks in beautiful South Dakota.  Keystone Project is an International Discipleship Organization with a training center and hotel in South Dakota.  Even though we have been about the Kingdom work of discipleship for the past 5+ years, we are anxious to hear more about it through these seasoned people of God. www.keystoneproject.org

Friday, August 2, 2013

Wow August already! Time does fly and we are so amazed at all that has been going on this year. There have been the usual ups and downs but through them all God has remained steady and faithful. He has continued to awe us at what He is doing and we are even more amazed that He allows us to be a part of what He is doing.

July was a busy month in many ways. We completed two large construction projects in the Cafe. The first project was to help and improve the kitchen. We received donations from partners to buy a under the counter refrigeration system. We purchased it and installed it in the kitchen the second week of July.

There was a bit of disorder as we had to remove an old counter and shelving unit to make room for the refrigeration system. As in any construction project there were challenges but with help and patience we were able to get everything completed in one weekend and be ready to open on Monday for business as usual.

The new refrigeration system helps replace the "dinosaur" that was sucking electricity and costing a lot of money to run and maintain. We also have a beautiful stainless steel work surface now which helps with the food preparation process.
Changes were made to the coffee bar area. We had a team of guys come in and help us change the set up so that we could maximize the space we have and to allow us to work more efficiently.
Along with these changes Rosalia is still attending chef courses and is very excited at what she is learning. She cannot wait to start teaching the other kitchen staff. She is even looking at the possibility of giving cooking classes to those in the community. It is so exciting to see her growing and wanting to use the skills God has given her to help others.

The physical changes are nice and were needed but the changes we continue to work toward are for lives to be changed. God is building a team of amazing people to help us. In the coming blogs, emails, Facebook entries we will introduce you to the team of amazing individuals that are reaching the youth of Namibia.

Monday, July 1, 2013

His Hand at Work

It is so incredible to be a part of what God is doing. We knew that when we heard His call that we would be in for the adventure of a lifetime. As I write this I am overwhelmed with emotion and still in awe that He is using us to make a difference.

I want to share a couple things that He is doing so that you can get a glimpse at the Greatness of our God. First you know that Rosalia is attending Chef courses. Here she is with her certificate for completing her first class. She is overwhelmed that so many people answered the call and helped make it possible for her to attend the classes. She has a glow about her and is so excited and cannot wait for the next class. Her new skills will help the Cafe move to the next level and she in turn will be able to train the rest of the kitchen staff.

You will see the three gentleman pictured in their new uniforms. They are looking sharp and now have to make sure we keep the girls from getting to close. Well that last part I am kidding about. Part of building a strong reputation is looking professional and the new uniform has put smiles on their faces and you can see the pride they have for their positions and for themselves.

We have, with the help of donors, installed a Point Of Sale system. We have wanted to puchase this system for a while but just recently had enough donations where we could finally get it. Below you will see David and Dennis already mastering the system.

Each morning the staff gather together to pray over the day and to invite God to use us, to open our eyes and hearts to see and hear from Him, to help us pour His love into all we do. Our devotions each day are so perfect for each day and we feel like He is speaking specifically to us. Well we know He is speaking but it is a book we are working through and it is amazing how each days devotion seems to fit perfectly for where we are and what we are going through.

I had to be reminded that in the states people are getting ready to celebrate Independence Day and how fitting that this blog be posted now. We are celebrating another type of independence. We are celebrating the awesome power of God and the independence He gives us when we become His children. Watching how God has liberated these young people is worth all the blood, sweat and tears that have been shed.

Thank you for your faithful support in prayer, giving and even joining us here to help make an eternal difference.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Another Success Story!

Pamela proved her courage when she completed the very first YDM training as the only girl. She told us later that her mother encouraged and pushed her to go everyday, telling her that quitting was not an option.  Even though it was challenging being surrounded by males, she toughed it out and we hired her after the training.
Her tenacity and genuine love for God were evident, and her friendly personality helped shape her into a great server. Pamela worked at the cafe and helped train new students for about a year, then was recruited to work for a local fast food restaurant chain.
Just recently she heard of an opening for wait staff at a very large and successful tourist lodge so she applied.  Just hours after the interview she received a call that she was hired.  The company representative told her they encourage their staff to move up into higher positions if they prove themselves at the entry level.  The lodge provides transport to and from the city, housing, three meals each day, and a salary. She was thrilled of course!  It was like a dream come true. Pamela has been living with her five year old little girl, her mother, brother and mentally disabled adult sister.  Her mother has been the main bread-winner in the family as a maid for a local elementary school, and her brother works at a grocery store getting less than minimum wage. Finances are always tight.  This new job will give her some financial freedom.  She will work hard, save most of her money so she can help support her family.
Pamela said her mother reminded her to thank us.  She said that she never would have had this great opportunity had it not been for the Duran's and the YDM program.  And we thank all of our partners who have been so faithful to pray and financially support the program.  Through our team effort, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of Namibian youth and their families.

Friday, May 3, 2013


God has been busy here in Okahandja and we are so glad to be a part of what He is doing here. It has not been with out challenge but He has been our strength. We contine to see His hand at work and recently we have seen an increase in business and we give Him thanks for that too.

One of the reasons for the increase is due to Milton Louw, a local reporter, who by chance, and we know that with God it was not by chance, came in looking for a internet connection. Well he was greeted by the staff and promptly served. Mr. Louw was so impressed that he wrote an article about the Garden Cafe in the paper. Below is a link to the article as well as what he wrote.

Give credit where it’s due

By: Milton Louw

As consumers we tend to complain but it is very rare to hear a consumer share a good service experience (especially in Namibia).

A few weeks ago, while I was still writing on the farm, I had the occasion to visit Okahandja while the farm workers were doing shopping. During my leisurely stroll through town, I had a call asking me to urgently work on some problem via my email. For those of you who have never been to Okahandja, imagine that the local Agra branch still closes for lunch – and you can then imagine how desperate I became thinking where can I get Internet access.

My first thought was Telecom, where I was informed their Internet was not yet working. I almost panicked upon hearing one of the largest Internet providers don’t have working public internet access in the town. Luckily, one of the staff was able to guide me to the Garden Café around the corner that would be able to assist. Wow! I did not know that an oasis of this kind existed anywhere in the country, never mind Okahandja.

Upon entering, I was greeted by friendly staff who informed me that the Internet was free if I was having something to eat. They even provided a laptop that had all the most common software installed and a reasonable speed connection. After my mails were done I had a leisurely lunch and took the time to compliment the owner on the friendly and efficient service of his staff. In turn, he informed me that the Garde Café was in fact a “Youth Discipleship and Programme” that is designed to give youth vocational and skills training through a 12 week programme.

This is what is meant when a company talks about corporate social responsibility. This company truly shows that “Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large”. As consumers, our money is our power and I encourage you to support companies like this who not only provide a service to make money, but also work at improving the quality of life of the community they operate in.

On this note, perhaps the readers should also take time to reconsider their misconceptions of our ‘Garden Town’ and visit the Okahandja Tourism and Trade Expo to be held from 9 to 12 May 2013?


Friday, March 29, 2013

One Testimony

You can’t beat a real life testimony. When you are asked to give a testimony in a court setting, it is because you saw or heard or experienced something of significance. To date 47 Namibian youth have completed the YDM (Youth Discipleship & Mentoring) Program and according to our research 32 are currently employed. That alone is remarkable!

There are other skills training programs in Namibia, but none that we know of that are fully sponsored and accept students without a grade 10 satisfactory completion certificate. The majority of our students have not completed grade 10 and therefore have little hope of finding any viable employment except perhaps housecleaning (girls) or hauling cement (boys). The government does not offer continuing education for free like other countries. So without finances .... no skills .... insufficient education.... where can these young people turn?

Here is David’s story. He is one of the few who has completed grade 12 and even a little beyond, but got sidetraked. Read on.

David Malgas age 22, describes his past life as a “party life.” Alcohol was his driving force. He felt defeated, without work skills and no hope for further education, until he heard about the YDM program. I remember his words to us during the interview. “I am very motivated... I am a very hard worker.” Not only did David shine in the program, but we hired him when he completed training.

One day, when business was slow David approached me with an idea. He said, “Mrs. D. if we set up a table on the side of the street next week Friday, we can sell burgers and chips. I know we can do a good business.” He explained to me that payday was coming up and people travel and shop and need a quick lunch which we can provide. So, we tried it the following week – David set up a table and his idea proved brilliant – we made a good side business. We have continued that plan each month end and have found it very successful.

Now he is our head waiter – supervisor, handling banking, record keeping, orders and vendor invoices and training new staff. All of this in only one year of employment at the cafe. His smile says it all!

We asked David to answer a few questions for our blog followers.

Question: What motivated you to make a decision to follow Christ?

Answer: It was the way I lived. Deep down I just knew that the way I was living was not right. Also there was a deeper urge to make something of my life because there was an inner voice saying there was more to life than just carelessness.

Question: How has your life changed since making that decision?

Answer: It has changed in a lot of ways as a matter of fact. I cannot describe it in words. I have never for once regretted the fact that I chose Jesus. He has changed me to be a better person, my surroundings and like it says in Jeremiah 11:29 “...He has given me a hopeful future.”

Question: What goals do you have for your future?

Answer: I must say that after having carefully thought about where I came from and what I am at this state, it looks rather exciting for starters. I want to keep following the Good Lord, although I do not see myself as a pastor. I know that I have been anointed for business and I pray and hope that I would be able to one day go and study in the field of business. There is a saying: “One doesn’t know who you are or what you want if you do not know what you WERE or where you are from.” But, I, by the grace of God have found that and I am able to move forward and like I said business is my passion, and would like to practise business with integrity someday.

We plan to help David and others to make those goals a reality.  Through contributions of faithful partners David is now on a journey of success and fullfilled dreams.  Other young Namibians are moving forward as well.  Visit our blog often for more stories.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Breakthroughs Needed

“Pray without ceasing”..... it’s easy when you’re desperate.  We have been desperate for a breakthrough, actually more than one breakthrough.  The obstacles and challenges have been relentless on several fronts.  Our partners that have read our blogs and newsletters know that we have faced the obstacle of acquiring proper government documents, called Work Permits.  This has been blocking us for more than two years now.  The wondering “if” it will be approved, and “when” it might be approved has left us uncertain, insecure, and questioning how long we will be able to stay.

Oh of course, it is not uncommon to have these kinds of issues when you live in a foreign country, but... it does put a damper on your enthusiasm when you have NO earthly idea whether you will be allowed to stay past the 3 month visa date.  And yet, many ministry leaders here in Namibia have continued to work (with this same obstacle) successfully having only acquired visas for many years.  Is that encouraging to us?  Not really.  But, at least we see that we are not being singled out. 

Still.... there is much to be thankful for.  Our staff has really learned to work together and "get it done."  People comment about how great it is that they get along so well.  In a country where there is tremendous tribal competition and traditional differences.... it is very unusual to see various tribes work as a team like ours do.  There are at least four different tribes represented in our staff.  Awesome!
Englehardt, Johannes, Dennis & David at recent Fundraiser event.  We catered 4 different entrees for over 100 people!

So, we press on as the Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:13, keeping our focus to be obedient to the purpose and work we have been assigned to.

When we think about our missionary friends in Kenya, we feel like deleting the previous three paragraphs.  This morning we opened an email describing the anticipated physical dangers for Kenyans as well as foreigners in that country.  Their political elections are this week, and with it comes a dark cloud of fear that the violence and terror that ravaged the land four years ago will return.

Knowing that others are facing FAR worse and much more dangerous challenges reminds us --- this assignment IS temporary..... , this life here on earth is temporary after all.   None of us enjoy future security.  Tomorrow is a huge unknown for everyone.  But, our confidence is in the ONE who holds the future.  It is in the knowledge and trust in the Almighty that we do press on even with the doubts, fears, and even dangers at times.  HE will never leave us alone.... we have that assurance.   

Please join us in praying for a peaceful election in Kenya this week, and for peace and comfort to surround all of God’s children caught in the clutches of danger throughout the world.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Words fall short when we share about volunteers.  Eyes tear up and warm fuzzy feelings take over.  Saying thank you seems so small because each volunteer is so unique and special to us.  There is no gift big enough or acolade clever enough to express our hearts.  But... we try. We feel lifted up, enouraged, strengthened, helped, and, yes....loved.  It's like a refreshing drink of ice cold well water on a hot summer day.  You must understand it has been hovering around 100 degrees here for some time now.... so that cool well water example fits perfectly. 
This blog we share from our newest volunteer, Raylyn Rollins of California.  Enjoy reading the thoughts of this beautiful & talented young lady.

At the 5 Rand center

Raylyn & Mrs. Rosen tutoring

She helped put the new menus together.  Lovely!

My time here in Okahandja has been amazing so far! Although I've only been here for a week, I can see so much need all around for Christ's love and healing. As an aspiring teacher, I've been really excited to check out local schools and teaching opportunities. There are so many children and so few qualified teachers to give them the attention that they need. So many students here are behind on basic English reading and writing skills and it's been an honor to join with Mrs. Rosen to tutor a few of the students that need just a little extra attention.

Beyond the classroom, I have been able to begin forming relationships with members of the local community. I have the incredible opportunity to minister and mentor a teenage girl already. With a story that seems to be all too common in the area, her father committed suicide leaving her and her family alone. There are so many hurting people here from stories just like that one. I feel honored to be able to speak God's love into the life of a girl who's only father now is the Abba Father. I am praying for continuing opportunities to speak truth and healing into her life and to demonstrate God's unending love for her.

There is so much need here and I've only been here a week! All of the people I have met are so warm and welcoming and I just feel incredibly grateful to be joining in here, even for a short time. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in plan for Garden Cafe, the community of Okahandja, and myself over the next three months.

I am, however, constantly hot.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hello friends & family,
Please check out our facebook page to see more family photos of our trip home this holiday season.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I cannot believe we are already in 2013. Getting ready to head back to Namibia comes with mixed emotion. We are excited to get back to our friends and family in Namibia but to do so we will have to leave our family and friends again and it is not easy to say goodbye.

We have been in the states and have had a busy time. We have shared our presentation with over 30 groups and have had countless one-on-one meetings with partners, friends, family and even with people we just met in casual encounters. We shared with a couple of new a churches who are considering partnering with us. Just the other we were at a book store and the cashier asked where we were from and what we do. Catherine had the opportunity to share with her and the the cashier said that her church is looking for new missionaries. Everywhere we go God is giving us opportunities to share what He is doing.

We leave the states on the 11th of January and fly to Germany for three days where we will have the opportunity to share with a church there and we will also get to meet up with the German couple who have been a huge blessing in helping with the program. Then we leave for Namibia on the 14th of January.

Once back in Namibia we will take a few days to pray with friends on what direction God wants us to go. We want to ensure that we are continuing to follow the path He has for us. Please pray with us to hear clearly.

We also are excited that the Rosen's will be continuing to work with us and that Raylyn will be joining us as we begin the new year. We know that the path ahead will be filled with challenges and adventures and we are so excited and anxious to be a part of what God will do.

Even before we head back we want to make sure we give thanks to God for all that He has done so far and for letting us be apart of it. We have seen so many miracles and so much fruit already.

Thank you for partnering with us and for being apart of the team.