Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Just about two months ago we set foot on USA soil, after being in Africa for about a year. So many things have changed and so much has happened that we are still spinning from all the activity and info. My goodness!

The pictures will tell the story much better than my words, but let me summarize. First, we are thankful that our house is now re-rented. After days and days of repairs, painting and cleaning, we were able to acquire new renters before the end of the year. That's a big praise! Then, Christmas happened! Getting to play and party with family and friends filled our days and nights. Visiting a different church each weekend allowed us to report and share with partners what God is doing in our ministry outreach in Namibia. We are so thankful for all who make it possible for us to do what we do without stressing about paying our bills or putting food on our table.

A highlight for me (Catherine) was playing and singing with our daughter Krista's band, "Stonetrain" at Capri Blu New Year's eve. It was a blast!

The day after Christmas James (our youngest son) proposed to his girlfriend, Malia! We are going to be parents-in-law again! How cool is that! More celebrating and pictures and smiles and tears of joy!

It's hard to believe that we are now packing our bags to return to the "mission." But, the time has come and we are anxious to see our Namibian family and resume our work there. Thank you to everyone who welcomed us and hosted us and made us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Our tanks are full with joy and love! Bless you all!

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