Saturday, May 21, 2011

Home visit

As my home visit is nearing an end I would like to say thank you to all the friends and family members who have hosted me, fed me and helped me in so many ways.  Yes, it was successful.  I attended and sang at my brother and Gloria's wedding, shared mother's day with my 88 yr old mother, witnessed our daughter's graduation from College, had the privilege of reporting to partner churches and gave numerous other presentations regarding our unique cafe.    We are happy to announce that another church has joined our team as a regular monthly partner and several new contacts and potential partners were introduced to our YDM program.  A retired couple (long-time friends of ours) have felt the stir to come to Namibia with some great ministry resources to share.  They are making plans for an October arrival as I write this. So, yes, I would say this has been very successful overall.  Don't stop praying for us. There is plenty of work ahead of us, but the support and backing is great and we are encouraged once again. 

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