Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Choose to Wait Training

Was Adam and Eve married? (pic of choose to wait teaching)
That’s one of the questions we prime the students with before lesson four of our “Choose to Wait” program. Well? What do you think? Read carefully the passage in Genesis chapter 1 and 2, and discover God’s design for love and marriage.
“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh.” Leaving, cleaving and one flesh. That sounds very much like a wedding ceremony to me. Then, God brings Eve to Adam. Notice he didn’t have to hunt for her, or search the internet for her. God walked her down the garden path, just like a human father escorts his daughter, and presented her to Adam, to see what he would name her. Take a look – Adam exclaimed “WO- MAN!” (my emphasis) because he finally sees his suitable helper. She’s the one! God didn’t tell Adam – here she is. Adam named her after himself – because she was “bone of his bones, and flesh of his flesh.” He recognized her value and accepted responsibility for her. He gave her his name – much like the name giving that takes place at the end of a wedding ceremony. “And now, it is my pleasure to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Adam!”
I just thought you’d like a little glimpse of our highly effective “Choose to Wait” program. In just one of the schools we have about 150 students attending a volunteer after-school “Choose to Wait” club. We can’t train teachers fast enough. The doors of public schools are wide open right now. We’re being offered “Lifeskills” and “Religion” classes with no restrictions. It’s almost like waving chocolate in front of me. Lord keep me strong and creative!

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